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Summer 2017 Dog Dish

from the foundation
Christine Long headshot
Summer Robotics Projects

BeagleBone Blue is taking off, literally as you can see in this Tech Talk with Gus of GHI Electronics where Jason Kridner chatted about the usage of BeagleBone programmable real-time (PRU) microcontrollers in applications like quadcopters and the EduMIP educational robot. The code for both is already in the Debian package feeds, so getting started should be simple. Mark and Jason just got back from the American Society for Engineering Education annual conference where they introduced teaching robotics using BeagleBone Blue to a capacity audience of University-level educators and a capacity overflow audience of students and you can check out that presentation to help you get started. There's even a new book released if you need some extra hand holding.

If you act today, you can make a proposal to add a thermal camera and get the camera and a BeagleBone Blue for free! Check out the FLIR design challenge below.

So much capability to build advanced robotics projects has never before been integrated into as an affordable kit, so I hope you'll check out what projects others are up to this summer and decide to tackle one of your own.

—Christine Long, Executive Director


Google Summer of Code 2017 update
Google Summer of Code 2017 update

Watch the introduction videos from our Google Summer of Code 2017 students

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FLIR Lepton BeagleBone Blue challenge
FLIR Lepton BeagleBone Blue challenge

FLIR has launched a design challenge for the FLIR Lepton 3 thermal camera and BeagleBone Blue. Submit your project idea for the FLIR challenge by July 21st. The top 5 ideas will receive a BeagleBone Blue and FLIR Lepton 3

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Music-Loving BeagleBone Blue
Music-Loving BeagleBone Blue

BeagleBone Blue Electro-Mechanical Glockenspiel consists of eight servo motors each with a mallet stick attached to them.

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hot off the presses

BeagleBone Robotic Projects - 2nd Edition

BeagleBone Robotic Projects - 2nd Edition

by Dr. Richard Grimmett. Exciting new capabilities to enable even easier DIY robotics with BeagleBone Blue.



SE Michigan BeagleBone Meetup - July 27
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Maker Faire Detroit - July 29-30
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Maker Faire New York - September 23-24
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community topics

U-Boot Overlays are now enabled by default

Robert Nelson announces that Debian test images now have U-Boot Overlays enabled by default

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BeagleBone Blue EduMIP Balancing Robot Assembly

Mark Yoder posted a video showing how to assemble the BeagleBone Blue EduMIP balancing robot.

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Automated Irrigation with BeagleBone Green Wireless

Greg Raven posts about his irrigation control system using HTML5, WebSockets, and Ecmascript 6

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ROS node support for BeagleBoard Blue

Jeff Albrecht posts about his robotic project using ROS

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featured projects

BeagleMAV 3D-printed Hexacopter image
BeagleMAV 3D-printed Hexacopter
BeagleMAV derives its extremely low weight of 500 grams from its unique monocoque structure that was designed iteratively with modal finite element analysis.
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True Color 3D Printing with BeagleBone and MachineKit image
True Color 3D Printing with BeagleBone and MachineKit
Full color Arcus 3D printer by Daren Schwenke is powered by MachineKit on a BeagleBone Black.
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diy-VT100 meets BeagleBone Black image
diy-VT100 meets BeagleBone Black
Kuldeep Singh Dhaka has designed a small VT100 terminal that you can carry in your hands and connect to any hardware that provide serial interface.
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Laser PCBs with LDGraphy image
Laser PCBs with LDGraphy
Henner Zeller created this simple laser direct lithography device for PCB manufacturing.
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